Chapters in Books / Invited Contributions
Van Alstyne, Greg. “How We Learned to Pluralize the Future: Foresight Scenarios as Design Thinking” In Creating Desired Futures: On the Relevance of Design in Solving Complex Business Problems. Ed. Michael Shamiyeh. Basel: Birkhäuser, in press.
Van Alstyne, Greg. “The Future of Innovation… Design As Catalyst, Not Control.” In The Future of Innovation. Ed. Bettina von Stamm and Anna Trifilova. Farnham: Gower, in press.
Van Alstyne, Greg. “Statement on the Current Crisis of Art.” In Agenda Art 2010: Future Lab MAK. Ed. Peter Noever. Vienna: MAK, 2007, 13.
Van Alstyne, Greg. “From Induction to Incitement: Inside the Massive Change Project.” What People Want: Populism in Architecture and Design. Ed. Michael Shamiyeh. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2005, 188205.
Refereed Journal Papers
Van Alstyne, Greg and Robert K. Logan. “Designing for Emergence and Innovation: Redesigning Design.” Artifact 1.2 (2007): 120129.
. “Cybernetics, Modernism and Pleasure in” UNESCO journal Museum International, 52.1 (2000): 3641.
. “Cyberspace and the Lonely Crowd.” Span 2 (1994): 3539.
Refereed Journal Papers
“Having My Cake and Eating It Too: Learning Through Distance and Interdependence.” Paper in Toronto/Montreal/Lille: Together Elsewhere. Ed. Pierre Tremblay and Louise Poissant. Montreal: Presses de l’Université du Québec, in press.
Van Alstyne, Greg, and Robert K. Logan. “Human Futures, Internet Futures: Strategic Foresight and the NEM Initiative.” 2009 NEM Summit: Towards Future Media Internet. Saint-Malo, France, 2830 Sep 2009. Plenary presenter and panellist.
Van Alstyne, Greg, and Robert K. Logan. “sBook: A Framework for Convergence of Codex, eBook, and Future Book Forms.” 2009 NEM Summit: Towards Future Media Internet. Saint-Malo, France, 2830 Sep 2009. Presenter and panellist.
Van Alstyne, Greg and Robert K. Logan. “When Codex Meets Network: Toward an Ideal Smartbook.” In Open Scholarship: Authority, Community, and Sustainability in the Age of Web 2.0. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Electronic Publishing, ed. Leslie Chan and Susanna Mornati, 2008, 425.
Van Alstyne, Greg, and Robert K. Logan. “When Codex Meets Network: Toward an Ideal Smartbook.” ELPUB2008. Open Scholarship: Authority, Community, and Sustainability in the Age of Web 2.0. 12th International Conference on Electronic Publishing, Toronto, 2527 June 2008. Invited poster presenter.
“Having My Cake and Eating it Too: Distance Learning and the Kindness of Colleagues” in Toronto/Montreal/Lille: Together Elsewhere, Ryerson University, Toronto, 1 Feb. 2008. Invited presenter and panellist.
“Biomedia: Past Present, Future” and “Anti-environment: Media Ecology in Art and Design Education and Research” in 2007 Media Ecology Association Convention, Technólogico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de México, Mexico City, 610 June 2007. Invited presenter.
“Theoretical Primer for Emergent Media” in Hyperpolis 3.0 international conference, Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY, 1920 Oct. 2006. Invited presenter.
Invited Presentations and Panels
“Tools of an Attention Trader.” Visual Thinking lecture series, Knowledge Media Design Institute (KMDI), University of Toronto, 11 Jun 2009. Invited presenter and workshop leader.
“How We Learned to Pluralize the Future.” Creating Desired Futures: On the Relevance of Design in Solving Complex Business Problems, 4th International DOM Conference and Workshop, 1417 May 2009. Linz, Austria. Invited presenter and panellist.
“Perceptions of Disaster” panel in Digifest 2008 International Festival of Design and Media Culture, Water’s Edge: Catastrophe Trauma Possibility, Design Exchange, Toronto, 29 Mar 2008. Invited panel moderator.
“Digital Cities.” In Ourtopias: Ideal Cities and the Roles of Design in Remaking Urban Space, Design Exchange, Toronto, 15 June 2007. Invited panel moderator.
“Design Research for the Prada Manhattan Concept Store.” Design Research and Human Factors VISC/SOSC 3B27 course, Ontario College of Art & Design, Toronto, 5 Feb 2007. Guest lecture.
“Institute without Boundaries and Applied Heuristics.” Institute without Boundaries post-graduate program, George Brown College, Toronto, 4 Oct 2006. Guest lecture.
“More Bucky, Less Marshall: Sustainability in the Studio.” Big Talk 2: Rethinking Boundaries in Art & Design Education, Ontario College of Art & Design, Toronto, 28 Apr 2006. Invited presenter and panellist.
“Generations on the Move” conference, part of Viper Basel 2004: International Festival for Film, Video and New Media. Basel, Switzerland, 1924 Nov. 2004. Invited presenter.
“By Design” Panel, Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design, Vancouver, BC, 3 Nov. 2004. Invited panelist, in discussion with Jeffrey Kipnis and Bruce Grenville.
“Topographies of Populism: Everyday Life, Media, and the City,” 2nd International DOM-Conference, Linz, Austria, 2527 Mar. 2004. Presentation and paper.
“Massive Change.” In Digifest 2003: Electronic Cities, International Conference and Festival. Toronto, ON, 2629 Mar 2003. Invited presenter.
“Reinvention” panel, AIGA NY Business Series. New York, NY, Feb 2003. Invited presenter.
International Conference on Hypermedia and Interactivity in Museums (ICHIM), Washington DC, 2226 Sep. 1999. Closing plenary presenter, with Andrew Davies.
Museums and the Web conference, Toronto, 2225 Apr. 1998. Closing plenary presenter.
Work in Exhibitions
Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, Australia. Inspired! Design Across Time exhibition, Sydney Design Festival, 2007. “Mutant Materials in Contemporary Design” poster for The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1995.
Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, USA. Massive Change: The Future of Global Design. 16 Sep31 Dec 2006. Exhibition co-curation, writing, and design direction as Director of the Institute without Boundaries (IwB), in collaboration with Bruce Mau, Vanessa Ahuactzin, et al.